1000 cranes V3, 2021
「Re」, ChangTing Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Tracing paper on paper thread
1 x 3 x 500 cm
“1000 cranes” is a series of works created in transitional periods. They are a way to cope with waiting, not having access to equipment, material, or stimuli. Originally based on the Japanese proverb that folding 1000 cranes make a wish come true, or bring happiness, the cranes are reinterpreted. How to wait? How to be productive? How to overcome artist’s block? “1000 cranes” are artistic meditations, hand work, and a way to move to the next chapter. Each version is connected to a personal moment and investigates different adaptations. Whilst refraining from the monumentality of a heavy tradition, “1000 cranes” introduce an intimate point of view on the legend. White, ephemeral, and flexible, they hint at rebirth, persistence, and infinity.
Related works: 1000 cranes, 1000 cranes V2