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Ephemerides (object group), 2024
Installation view Dans le sillage d’Aphrodite, Hellenic American Union, Athens
in the frame of the residency with voyons voir
Cotton voile, rope, stainless steel mesh, mirror I have since 2016, polyester sail bits, polymer
clay, acrylic sheets, 5.2 g plant-based glitter, brass rings, fiberglass battens, candle, freeze-dried
ice cream, stars found on the floor in Marseille
Dimensions variable

A set of dualities transcribes stellar and sensory objects, experiences, and apparatuses grounded in Marseille. A symbolic plateau bears urban pavement failures and cosmic cracks; an ephemeris of Venus becomes eternalized and undone on a plexiglas cenotaph; asteroids become city-, human-, and shipwreck- ontologies; a galaxy group and a sister inhabit their multiplicities in 5.2 g plant-based glitter; lived and missed moments are found in stars on the floor, a candle, a song. Fictive museology and sailcrafting intersect in a subjective constellation on the city of Marseille, transformative ruptures, and distant narratives of otherworldly longing.